Thursday, January 13, 2011

How to Win Any Debate or Argument Seminar ?


A. Welcome

Start the session right on time. Welcome all participants and thank them for
attending this seminar. Explain that the session is about debating and arguing
skills; also mention that everybody has been involved in some kind of debate or
arguing in his life. Arguing is part of our daily life in business, dealing with family
and friends, talking sports, etc. As everybody must have some experience in the
matter, everyone is expected to share experiences and ideas. Ask them to
participate, ask questions, and try to learn as much as possible during the
Active participation by contributing ideas and opinions will be an important factor
in effective learning during this seminar. To get the best results from this session,
total involvement is required. Contributions from each participant are expected
and will be the key for the development of new ways to face a debate or an
argument at any place or time.
Encourage participants to remember the ideas they will get during the seminar
and use them later when participating in a debate or when involved in an

B. Introductions

If the participants don't know each other, ask them to introduce themselves,
stating name, chapter, and their positions in the chapter. Inquire if they have had
any good or bad experiences regarding arguing or debating that they would like
to share with others. Introduce yourself and other speakers, if any.

C. Objectives

Junior Chamber is well known as an organization that develops speaking skills in
its members by giving them the opportunity to participate in meetings, speaking
contests, debates, etc.
Unfortunately, not all members know how to behave when facing people with
opposite opinions. Knowing the skills and preparations necessary to win a debate
or argument can have a significant impact on a person’s life and performance in
the organization, workplace and, most importantly, within the family.
During this seminar, participants will learn some techniques and skills needed to
win any debate or argument.
At the end of the seminar, each participant should understand the dynamics of
debate and be able to take part in an argument with great chances of winning.